
Catfish | Siluriformes | Catfish facts and how to take care of them

Catfish belong to the bony fish order Siluriformes. The name catfish refers to the long barbels - which is a fleshy filament growing from the mouth or snout of a fish - these are present about the mouth of the catfish and resembles cat whiskers. Most species of catfish do not have scales like the typical fish, albeit some species are covered with heavy plates of hard, armored skin. Catfish tend to be strong and a few of the species survive for some time when they are out of the water, this is because their skin is kept moist by an outer layer of mucus. All catfishes have at least one pair of barbels, mainly on their upper jaw; they may also have a pair on the snout and additional pairs on the chin.  Today catfishes constitute 35 families spread out about nearly 2,900 species. The majority of species populate in freshwater, but a scarce number of them, belonging to the Ariidae and Plotosidae families, are marine. Catfishes are generally bottom dwellers, that is they live and feed on the

Siamese Cat

Siamese cats, these are popular as they are short-haired Asian breed domestic cat, Siamese, originally come from Thailand. The cats are called Wichienmaat in Thailand. The Siamese is a flexible long-bodied cat with long slim legs and a tail. It has an extended wedge-shaped head and blue eyes. Siamese is muscular and active Despite the cat’s graceful build and relatively small size, They are characterized as loving and loyal, though sometimes destructive, some of its admirers view it as the most intelligent of domestic cats. It is highly vocal and acquires a range of cries, including a penetrating mating call. These cats were first exported from Siam to the US in 1878 and the UK in 1884. The Siamese itself is a natural breed, which explains that its original pointed pattern was the result of a genetic mutation. The breed has given rise to the creation of many other breeds, including the Himalayan division of the Persian, the  Havana Brown, and the Tonkinese. The most crucial thi

Chinchillas | Chinchillas in the wild | are chinchillas good pets

Chinchillas are pretty common pets. you can find them in a lot of pet stores and as well you can find them online so it doesn't mean that they're right for everybody and just because you want to have an epic selfie with a chinchilla it doesn't mean you should go out and buy one. typically chinchillas have a very sweet personality to go with that beautiful exterior there. they're just adorable ball of fluff really but it's not to say that all of them are the same. you have to expect that they all have their different personalities so you might get one that's very outgoing and happy to be handled or you might get one that straight-up bites and when a rodent bites it hurts so you have to consider are you willing to put in that time to build that bond to get your chinchilla to trust you. the other consideration is do you have time for two chinchillas, the reason why I say that is because chinchillas are often sold alone. that's kind of condemning them to a life

20 rabbit facts that you may or may not have known about | Rabbit Facts

20 rabbit facts that you may or may not have known about. 1. rabbits are not rodents, they are lagomorphs.  2., unlike the cartoons a rabbits diet really shouldn't consist of a ton of carrots, carrots are very high in sugar and they really shouldn't have more than a teaspoon per two pounds of body weight.  3. bunnies produce two different types of poops just like hamsters and these are called cecotropes these are poops that a rabbit will produce and then they end up eating it again generally as they're producing it because this helps them reabsorb any nutrients they didn't get the first time as they digested it.  4.  rabbits are crepuscular this means they're awake mostly during dawn and dusk and generally throughout the day. they're going to be taking naps or occasionally snacking on hay.  5. when a rabbit is happy they'll do something called a binky this results in the rabbit jumping in the air and doing some type of twist.  6.  rabbits can turn their ears

Siamese fighting fish | Betta Fish | Betta fish Facts | How to take care of betta fish

The Betta Fish, Also known as Siamese fighting fish are one of the famous pet fish found in the aquariums. These are natives of the Mekong basin in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. They were found in rice paddies, drainage ditches, and floodplains. The males come in vibrant colors. They have several variants of tail shapes. They are referred to as Siamese fighting fish because the male ones have extreme aggressiveness towards their kind, so its better not to keep them in the same tanks will lead to the death of one of them. Female ones also should not be in the same tank as they become territorial and it is not advised to keep both males and females in the same tank, except for breeding for a short time. These are sensitive but have a unique ability to breathe oxygen directly from the air and also to intake oxygen through its gills and can survive without water for a short period. This explains the reason why they can sustain itself in stagnant.   they can live singly in a “commu

Blue-and-Gold macaw | Blue-and-Gold macaw Facts | How to take care of Blue-and-yellow macaw

The  blue and gold macaws are the popular ones from the group of macaws. These became the  most popular large parrots because of qualities like they  are Beautiful, Intelligent, and captivating. As you can see, they got their names from their gorgeous blue body and lemon-yellow chest. Also referred to as Blue-and-yellow macaw.  these are an extraordinary parrots which make a wonderful pet. They are not just popular for their beauties but also for their attractive personality and joyful charm. They are originated from Panama in Central America, northern South America, Venezuela south of Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. They are endangered species, due to their Habitat Destruction, Hunting and trapping.  Since 1935, In U.S The Blue and golds have been bred successfully. From there on, They have been the most affordable pets. These are highly sociable which makes them to adapt with people and other birds very quickly. They act like friendly dogs in the house. They like being around th

Guinea Pigs | Guinea pigs facts | how to take care of Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are lovely little common pets, mostly in America, but in other countries, too. So, let's learn, what are guinea pigs? Where did they come from? And how are we going to give them the best possible care? they came from the grasslands and plains of the Altiplano region in SouthAmerica. The most popular theory is that these guys originated from the Peruvian cavy. These small animals were referred to by Incan people as Cuy, which is still used today. But they weren't what we see today. They were smaller, thinner animals with more neutrally colored fur so they could blend in with their environment. Guinea pigs are pretty terrible climbers, so just a small wall is needed. they're mostly sold, kept, and rescued to be solely companions for humans. They have been bred in captivity for some 7,000 years. And since humans are naturally curious, they started experimenting with their coat texture and their color. Today we have three main types of fur: silkie, short-haire