Chinchillas | Chinchillas in the wild | are chinchillas good pets

Chinchillas are pretty common pets. you can find them in a lot of pet stores and as well you can find them online so it doesn't mean that they're right for everybody and just because you want to have an epic selfie with a chinchilla it doesn't mean you should go out and buy one. typically chinchillas have a very sweet personality to go with that beautiful exterior there. they're just adorable ball of fluff really but it's not to say that all of them are the same. you have to expect that they all have their different personalities so you might get one that's very outgoing and happy to be handled or you might get one that straight-up bites and when a rodent bites it hurts so you have to consider are you willing to put in that time to build that bond to get your chinchilla to trust you. the other consideration is do you have time for two chinchillas, the reason why I say that is because chinchillas are often sold alone. that's kind of condemning them to a life of loneliness. they do need companionship they are a hard animal and I do implore you if you are thinking about chinchilla please think about two chinchillas. a bonded pair is the most ideal situation either a bonded pair of males or a bonded pair of females. if you have a male and a female you're going to get babies.

chinchillas have this envious amount of fur and they really can be in danger of overheating if you live in one of the warmest States or a warmer part of the world think about you have the infrastructure in place to be able to cool them down. do you have air conditioning, could you provide them with a cooling fan if it's hot because these guys are very susceptible to heatstroke. imagine a really hot day in the summer where you live and then put a fur coat on top and not being able to escape that's what you're going to be dealing with so please make sure that you live in an area where you can provide the right kind of temperature for them where you can also make sure that they can escape the heat.

food-wise they're very very simple to feed typically in all pet stores you can buy chinchilla pellet I know this seems boring but honestly in the wild Chinchillas have a very bland diet. If you mix in too many other foods you can make them very sick so the best thing to do is to provide them at all times with fresh water good quality hay as well as chinchilla pellets. also, make sure you never under any circumstances feed grapes or raisins they're very toxic to a lot of animals and just it's best to stay well away from them.

Chinchillas are quite a delicate animal so you want to make sure that if you have any children in the house and you're looking for a nice pet for children that your children are supervised at all times. Chinchillas also have amazing hearing. imagine hearing everything super amplified if you have a little bit of noise in the house that might be ok. it would be best to keep your chinchillas in a room where they're not going to get too much disturbance from screaming children, crying babies, dryers, washers wherever you can think of just keep them a nice quiet part of the house.

Chinchillas are thought to be hypoallergenic because they've got super dense fur and that means that they don't produce as much dander as other animals however I do have animal allergies and now and then I will get a reaction but I don't think it's the chinchilla itself I think it might be dead volcanic dust which they bathe in so if you have any aromatics in the house or anybody with any animal for allergies you might want to go first of all to a pet shop or a rescue just to check that when they hold the chinchilla that they're not going to have an allergic reaction.

Chinchillas are really cute and the great news is that they live for a very long time if you look after them properly typically people say anywhere between sort of 11 to 20 really want to be looking to invest a lot of time in your chinchilla to get a healthy one through a reputable breeder or from a rescue or a pet shop that knows what they're doing because we want to have our animals sticking around forever but it is a long long-term commitment so if you're thinking about I just want a selfie with a chinchilla because they're really cute and then I'll sell it on it's completely the wrong attitude and you shouldn't get a chinchilla if the ultimate game for you is to have a selfie with a chinchilla.

find a friend or a pet shop who let you take a selfie but there's no need to bring an animal home to commit to a little bit and then just shut alone if you're still here and you're still thinking I think a chinchilla is going to be right for me then you want to know where you can find a chinchilla. there are some very good pet shops where people will help you and the mark of a great pet shop should be it's nice and clean that their animals look really good bright alert with lots of food and water at all times and a pet shop owner who's talking to you about chinchillas should tell you the pros and the cons if they're not throwing out any cons at you and they're just saying it's a great animal then there is a problem.

so you want to make sure you find a good reputable pet shop if you plan to go to a pet shop. the best place I could ever consider you're going to look to find a chinchilla is a rescue because turns your chinchilla is given up because people lose interest or if their circumstances change or they just straight up don't want Chinchillas anymore and you'd be amazed how many you can find in rescues so the best thing to do is ring up a whole bunch of rescues and ask if you could go in and meet their chinchillas. usually rescues great at pairing you the most appropriate chinchillas for your family overall I think chinchillas make wonderful fantastic adorable pets for the right family do make sure again just checking off your checklist that you've got the time to invest in looking after them that you have the money to pay for them if something goes wrong and they need medical care and that you're prepared to commit for a very long time if you are and you're willing to put the time into handling your new friends, the missus fantastic family pet that can add bundles to your family experience.


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