Guinea Pigs | Guinea pigs facts | how to take care of Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are lovely little common pets, mostly in America, but in other countries, too. So, let's learn, what are guinea pigs? Where did they come from? And how are we going to give them the best possible care? they came from the grasslands and plains of the Altiplano region in SouthAmerica. The most popular theory is that these guys originated from the Peruvian cavy. These small animals were referred to by Incan people as Cuy, which is still used today. But they weren't what we see today. They were smaller, thinner animals with more neutrally colored fur so they could blend in with their environment. Guinea pigs are pretty terrible climbers, so just a small wall is needed. they're mostly sold, kept, and rescued to be solely companions for humans. They have been bred in captivity for some 7,000 years. And since humans are naturally curious, they started experimenting with their coat texture and their color. Today we have three main types of fur: silkie, short-haired, and Abyssinian; the patterns and colors seem endless.

How to take care of Guinea pigs:-

The first thing you need to do is choose where you're going to get your guinea pig. There are so many guinea pigs that are abandoned by their owners for a multitude of reasons. So, please consider adopting one from your local shelter. So, before you bring your little friend home, get prepared. Get all the supplies that he or she is going to need. Get an enclosure, the larger, the better, cause they do like to run around and play. All right, so, the supplies you're going to need is... you're going to need food, but you're also going to need bedding. And I like bedding from a paper product. that can be Carefresh or it can be shredding paperlike this. you're also going to need a water bottle, and a food dish, and some nail clippers. And you're going to need some non-chewable and chewable toys for them. And remember to get them some hiding places as well.

So, food. Really, important for your guinea pig. you're gonna wanna start with a high-quality guinea pig pellet. This is going to have the nutrients in it that you need. Do not give your guinea pig rabbit pellets. they look the same, but guinea pig pellets have vitamin C in it that your guinea pigs need. If they don't get enough vitamin C a lot of bad things can happen. One of those things is a disease called scurvy. So, you wanna give them pellets. And that going to be a big portion of their diet, but you're also going to want to include some fresh produce as well. you don't have to make it small for them. They can take big chunks of it; remember they have ever-growing teeth. so, just give them little bits of produce got some sweet potato and some broccoli. Also, give them some lettuce. That's going to help with their fluid intake. Give them a little bit of that. And then, occasionally some fresh fruit. That's going to keep them happy. All of this is going to keep them healthy, but a little bit of fruit is going to keep them happy. Next, you'll need some Timothy hay. Now, Timothy is the best hay. You can also use meadow hay, but I would strongly suggest that you find Timothy hay. Don't give alfalfa hay unless they're-- you'rebreeding or the mom is nursing. Timothy hay free-fed, really, really important for your guinea pig's health: for their teeth and their whole digestive system. Free feed hay. So, you wanna change their bedding at least once a week. Spot clean when necessary. You're also gonna wanna fill up their wattle bottle whenever it gets less than half full. Give them fresh water. Since guinea pigs are rodents, they have ever-growing teeth, and they're gonna have to have to gnaw and chew on hard things to make sure that they wear those teeth down. So, give them items to chew.

Guinea pigs are naturally very nervous animals. Their instincts are to run and hide when a predator comes. That's their only defense. They don't have sharp claws or huge fangs to defend themselves. They can't climb. They just have to run and hide. So, that's a really completely normal behavior for them. The more interaction you have with them, the more you'll reduce that, but you're never going to completely eliminate it. So, you wanna make sure you give them a lot of places for them to hide and snuggle. you can give them other hides like this Timothy hay hut. So, give them lots of places to run and hide so they can feel safe. guinea pigs have some nonverbal communication, but a lot of it is verbal as well. So, pay attention and know this communication so that you know what your guinea pig is trying to tell you. So, now that you know what they are, where they came from, and how to take care of them, the only thing left is to make them a promise that if you take one into your home that you're going to care for them to the best of your ability for the rest of their life. 


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