20 rabbit facts that you may or may not have known about | Rabbit Facts

20 rabbit facts that you may or may not have known about.

1. rabbits are not rodents, they are lagomorphs. 

2., unlike the cartoons a rabbits diet really shouldn't consist of a ton of carrots, carrots are very high in sugar and they really shouldn't have more than a teaspoon per two pounds of body weight. 

3. bunnies produce two different types of poops just like hamsters and these are called cecotropes these are poops that a rabbit will produce and then they end up eating it again generally as they're producing it because this helps them reabsorb any nutrients they didn't get the first time as they digested it. 

4.  rabbits are crepuscular this means they're awake mostly during dawn and dusk and generally throughout the day. they're going to be taking naps or occasionally snacking on hay. 

5. when a rabbit is happy they'll do something called a binky this results in the rabbit jumping in the air and doing some type of twist. 

6.  rabbits can turn their ears 180 degrees this makes them very good listeners. 

7.  the world's largest rabbit is over 4 feet long. 

8.  bunnies and rabbits are the exact same thing they aren't different species or different animals just like kitties and cats are the same thing. 

9. They don’t like the heat. House them indoors to keep them cool. 

10. rabbits can easily jump over 2 feet, many can jump higher. 

11. rabbits can almost see 360 degrees around to them which makes it very hard to sneak up on a rabbit. 

12. rabbits need to be constantly snacking on long strands of hay so that it helps keep their digestive system moving if they don't their gut can slow down and put them into gastrointestinal stasis which can be life-threatening 

13. rabbits are social animals and they're most happy when with a companion of the same species as in the wild they would live in colonies 

14. rabbits range in many different types of breeds from lop-eared rabbits to lion heads to dwarf rabbits to the soft velvet touch of a Rex rabbit. 

15. rabbits are herbivores so they need a very high fiber diet. 

16. in the wild, rabbits live anywhere from one to two years but in captivity, a rabbit can live anywhere from eight to ten years sometimes longer.

17. rabbits have 28 teeth in total this includes four incisors, two mini incisors, and 22 other molars and premolars. 

18. rabbits cannot vomit therefore if they're not provided enough fiber in their diet can easily get an intestinal blockage. 

19. holding a rabbit on it's back is very traumatic and puts them into something called tonic immobility essentially this is the rabbit trying to play dead so that the predator or in this case yourself let's go of them. 

20. rabbits when happy will purr they do this by softly chattering their teeth.


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