Blue-and-Gold macaw | Blue-and-Gold macaw Facts | How to take care of Blue-and-yellow macaw

The blue and gold macaws are the popular ones from the group of macaws. These became the most popular large parrots because of qualities like they are Beautiful, Intelligent, and captivating. As you can see, they got their names from their gorgeous blue body and lemon-yellow chest. Also referred to as Blue-and-yellow macaw. these are an extraordinary parrots which make a wonderful pet. They are not just popular for their beauties but also for their attractive personality and joyful charm. They are originated from Panama in Central America, northern South America, Venezuela south of Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. They are endangered species, due to their Habitat Destruction, Hunting and trapping. Since 1935, In U.S The Blue and golds have been bred successfully. From there on, They have been the most affordable pets.

These are highly sociable which makes them to adapt with people and other birds very quickly. They act like friendly dogs in the house. They like being around their owners and receive attention. These birds are not apartment-friendly because loud and ear-piercing sounds. They learn very quickly as they want to please us. These are considered the best talking parrots as they can learn up to 20 words or phrases. they have a massive beak and are very specially designed to crack anything open. They open nuts and seeds. So you really have to think about whether you have the kind of environment where you can raise a macaw as they can be very destructive. They have a life expectancy till 70 or over. They are very large and require a lot of space. They are great animals if you have space and time.

How to take care of Blue-and-yellow macaw

As I told you before, They seek attention from their owners and they become close to family members quickly as they are highly social. These need cages that are 5-feet tall and 3 to 4-feet wide and long because they have large wings and will need to stretch them. Aside from the cost of ownership, they'll cost you for veterinarian bills, high-quality seeds, accessory for cage, play stand, and toys.
As for their health problems, macaws are known to be long-lived birds, But they are also prone to viral infection called macaw wasting syndrome and overgrown beaks. they also self mutilate like other parrots, by plucking feathers when bored or neglected. They Should be given a well-balanced diet and adequate exercise to maintain pet bird health, As they are prone to many nutritional disorders like obesity and fatty liver disease. 

Wild macaws usually eat a variety of seeds, plant material, fruits, and nuts. Their diet seems to be high in fat because they spend their time flying through the rainforest. As for the captive blue and gold macaws, they would get a varied diet that consists of different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Provide them with high-quality healthy seeds such as flax, hemp, and chia. Nut treats should be avoided as they are high in fat. They will be needed about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of parrot mix and about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of fruits and vegetables day to day. Apple, pears, plums, cherries such fruits can be given. vegetables like carrot, sweet potatoes, zucchini, cucumber can be given. food like avocado, chocolate, rhubarb are toxic for the birds. You can offer them training nut treats like macadamia, walnuts, pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts. The next thing we should take care of them is their exercise. These macaws are active birds. Pet owners should provide them 2-3 hours of playtime because they love climbing, swinging, bouncing, and chewing. Chewing is necessary for them as they have strong jaw muscles and they need to keep them healthy and in shape. Give Them durable toys. if not, they will get destroyed by their destructive beak. 


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