Ragdoll | Felis catus | Ragdoll facts | How to take care of Ragdolls


      The Ragdoll is a young cat breed. He was created in Riverside, California, in1963. Cat Breeder Ann Baker wanted a large cat with a beautiful coat and a soft personality. Baker took a stray domestic longhaired white female that was found running wild in her neighborhood and bred her with another long-haired cat. Nobody knows just which cat breeds Baker used to make the Ragdoll but some guesses are Birman, Burmese, or Persian. The result, however, was the Ragdoll. The breed's popularity quickly caught on, but it also became a source of controversy. Ann Baker invented wild myths about the origins of the breed and created her registry called the International Ragdoll Cat Association. She wanted to enforce strict standards and even went so far as to trademark the name "Ragdoll" so it could only be used with catsat her registry. Her organization, the IRCA is still in existence today but is quite small, particularly since Baker's death in 1997. IRCA cats are not recognized by any major cat breed organization or cat show, though some IRCA cats have been registered as "Ragamuffin" cats.

This breed is the center of several urban myths, most of which were started by Ann Baker. Miss Baker claimed that the Ragdoll was impervious to pain and never gets scared. She also said that Ragdolls were genetically modified alien hybrids. Josephine, one of her first cats used for breeding, was in a car accident. Baker insisted that the people who treated the injured kitty altered her DNA, hence the out-of-this-world connection. We can assume that Miss Baker took a crazy cat lady to new levels. Many people love the Ragdoll because he goes limp when you pick him up, just like a Ragdoll. He loves to be held and cuddled, and he’s one of the most affectionate cat breeds. Ragdolls go well on human companionship, and, unlike some other felines, love being held. And according to several sources, he behaves more like a dog than a cat. He’s even been known to play fetch. And like dogs, he loves stuffed animals and little toys which he will carry from room to room. He’s a heavyweight among cats. the male Ragdoll typically weighs between 15-20 pounds and the female between 10-15 pounds. At that weight, the Ragdoll is slightly larger than other feline heavyweights like the Maine Coon, which can weigh up to 18 pounds, and the Norwegian Forest Cat, which can weigh up to 16 pounds. His massive size and the fact that he loves being held could be a source of a daily upper body workout. His bright blue eyes are one of the breed signature features. But, although most sports the brilliantly blue eyes for which the Ragdoll is famous, not all do. His eyes can sometimes be a blue-green ora golden color depending on the coat variation of the Ragdoll cat. Ragdoll kittens are born with blue eyes, which can then either deepen, lighten or change to a different color as the kitten ages. the ragdolls are also known for their color-pointed coat. The Ragdoll also comes in a variety of shades, ranging from brown and blue to red and cream. Variations like tortoiseshell and tabby markings are also common. The Ragdoll comes in several patterns, including colorpoint (no white on his coat), bicolor, and mitted (meaning he has white “mittens” on his paws). Like the Siamese, the Ragdoll is born pale, and his coat gradually darkens into his permanent hues as he grows older. 

In 1975 a husband and wife team, Denny and Laura Dayton, took a breeding pair of IRCA Ragdolls and started breeding the current Ragdoll standard. The standard they developed was eventually accepted by major cat organizations such as the Cat Fanciers Association and the FédérationInternationale Féline. Ragdoll Fanciers' Club International is the largest international Ragdoll association. The historic Algonquin Hotel in New York City started a tradition of a resident cat when a stray named Rusty wandered into the landmark hotel in the 1930s. The hotel’s owner decided to adopt the cat and renamed him, Hamlet. Since 2011, the reigning residential felines a Ragdoll named Matilda III, who took over the position from Matilda II, another Ragdoll. Matilda III came to the hotel after she was found abandoned outside the North Shore Animal League in Port Washington, New York. She has the run of the entire hotel, except the dining areas and the kitchen, and even hosts an annual charity event in the form of a cat fashion show. The Ragdoll is fascinated by water. All forms of water hold his interest, but he is especially intrigued by the sound of running water. Unlike many other cat breeds, the Ragdollmay try to join you in bath or shower time. Our general overview of the Ragdoll: The Ragdoll gets along very well with children, as he doesn't mind being pet, cuddled, and held. His docile demeanor makes him easygoing, and he even gets along with other cats and cat-friendly dogs. He is sometimes referred to as a "puppy cat" because of his canine-like behavior, which includes following people from room to room and fetching toys that are thrown for him. Despite the controversy of his origins and that he might be an alien, he’s highly recommended as a family-friendly pet.

How to take care of Ragdolls

Most Breeders will give you a diet sheet about what food the kitten has been raised on. It is always wise to continue that diet as certain foods can be too rich. Your kitten's diet should have both wet and dry food and always ensure that fresh water is always available. Ragdolls milk is not recommended to give.

If you decide to change the kitten's food later, it is best to keep the kitten on one variety for a day or two just in case it disagrees with him/her. If your kitten becomes a bit lose, a diet of boiled rice and chicken should be given, but always consult your vet surgeon if the problem continues for more than 24/48 hours as they become dehydrated very quickly

it is essential to give your Ragdoll a thorough grooming at least twice weekly and most owners will find their pets enjoy a daily light grooming that will maintain their coat in good condition. If not, a Ragdoll's coat will matt and form knots. Use talcum powder while grooming his/her coat becomes greasy. During the shedding season, it is necessary to groom more often to prevent him/her from digesting loose hair and getting furballs. Make grooming fun for your pet and he/she will look forward to spending time with you for this. Check his/her ears once a week and slowly clean them with cotton buds if dust is gathered in the outer ear. It is also recommended to clip the tips of his/her claws regularly as they can get very sharp.

Most vets recommend that you clean your cat's teeth daily with a special toothpaste prepared for the purpose. There is no need of buying a toothbrush as most cats won't let you near their mouths with it, instead put a small amount of toothpaste on a paper tissue and gently rub it along their gums and teeth.

If your cat got a tartar on his/her teeth, a visit to the vet may be necessary. It is a sensible precaution to check your cat's teeth and gums regularly.

firstly, it is smart to use the cat litter used by the breeder. till the kitten is familiar with his/her new environment, keep his/her litter tray in whichever room he/she is in. When you get home with your kitten show him/her the tray by putting him/her in it and slowly move his/her front paws in a scraping motion.

They all love to play either with another cat or dog. Give them lots of love and attention and he/she will return you with lots of affection. Remember he/she needs plenty of rest whilst growing, so try not to let him/her get overtired especially during the first few weeks.

Ragdolls appreciate playing their form of 'football' and they will cheerfully tap a table tennis ball around the room. 

Beset up to be kept occupied with recovering it from under the furniture where it definitely winds up. 

Make play regions to invigorate your Ragdoll with the goal that he/she can get a lot of activity. 

On the off chance that you have a securely encased nursery, your pet will appreciate playing in the natural air, particularly on the off chance that you are with him/her. 

It isn't prescribed to permit him/her to finish opportunity as his/her agreeable nature could make him/her less mindful of risk. 

Your cat ought to have been immunized against enteritis and cat influenza before you gathered him/her and his/her yearly sponsor will be expected in a year's time. 

Talk about with your Vet Surgeon whether it is shrewd to inoculate him/her against leukemia at around a half year old enough, in the event that he/she is permitted access to the outside.


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