Persian cat | Persian Longhair | Persian cats facts and How to take care of them | Persians

         The Persian Cats are known for their sweet and quiet nature. they are originated from Persia(currently known as Iran). It was first presented in 1871 at the cat show held In London, England. Its long and beautiful hair has made them the most popular among cats. One could identify them by their beautiful round face with puffy cheeks and big eyes. Persians have short legs that are strong to hold up their strapping body. Their silky fur needs to be combed every day otherwise they shed a lot. it can form knots and tangles.  They just happy to lay and look at everyone’s approaching and passings from far away. They have a wide variety of colors, mostly found in white, black, ginger, and cream. They have a life span of 10 to 15 years.

These Persians are children friendly as long as they are treated with respect and not dragged around. Loud environments are not their style. these are unlikely to jump up on counters and curtains. just give them a sofa to lounge upon. They do not demand attention but if you are free to, they willingly receive. 

How to care for Persian cats:-

Persian cats are a popular breed to own like with all pets having a Persian cat as a companion comes with its own set of responsibilities from coat care to health issues there are many things to consider when caring for a Persian cat. start brushing your cat's fur at a young age to make sure that your Persian have to start brushing hair at an early age from day one make a point of brushing your kitten so that she gets used to this experience. if you don't start brushing her at an early age she may develop it it's like for being brushed that can ultimately make it much harder to maintain her coat. get a great comb that works well on Persian fur you will need a metal comb that has narrow teeth on one end and wide-spaced teeth on the other end to properly detangle your cat's long fur a metal slicker type brush can also be good for removing excess fur that has a tendency to become tangled.

Understand the term brassy Falak, Persians are brassy Falak which is the term that means their nose and nasal chambers are foreshortened hen compared to normal cats. keep your cat's nose clean. the best way to help your cat fight off respiratory infections is by keeping her nose clean. it is important to keep it clean because they can get blocked easily making it difficult for the cat to breathe.

 Almost all cats have the potential of genetic health problems. Persians are prone to a number of potential health problems too. such as Polycystic kidney disease, eye condition, heat sensitivity, bladder stones, obesity. Most of the health problems can be prevented if we took care of their weight. Persians are picky eaters, But they eat once they find something they like. Persians should be fed low-fat foods and which are high on protein and fibers. Be careful not to overfeed them. 


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