Parakeet | Budgerigar | Melopsittacus undulatus | How to tame a Parakeet

             Budgerigars or parakeets are fun birds to stay as pets. Although budgies aren't difficult to tame, the taming process requires much time, patience, and consistency. Don’t forget to own fun while you're taming your budgie; it is a very rewarding experience for both you and him! Allow your budgie to adjust to its environment. Budgies can be nervous and skittish animals. Taming them won't be effective if they're nervous in their surroundings. If you just purchased your budgie, give them about 2 weeks to become settled into their new environment. One of the things that they will do during this time is to locate his food and water dishes in their cage. Place the budgie in a very busy room during their adjustment period, if possible. Although this may seem counterproductive, having them in a busy room will actually let them get accustomed to seeing people as companions rather than threats. Have the cage next to you once you do relaxing activities like watching TV and reading. You do not need to directly interact together with your budgie once you have his cage on the brink of you. the important thing is that the budgie should be comfortable in your presence. Interact with your budgie without touching them. Once the budgie is comfortable being around you, you'll start performing on interacting with them more often.

You will still get to be very patient with them so that you don’t increase their anxiety. Be mindful to not make eye contact together with your budgie. their eyes are located on the sides of their heads, which is found commonly in prey animals. human’s eyes are positioned on the front, looking directly at them makes them think that you are a predator−you definitely don’t want that. keep your hand on the outside of the cage and talk to them in soothing tones. In this way, they're going to be ready to see your hand as non-threatening; your soothing voice will help to scale back their anxiety. Give budgie about a week to become comfortable with you and your hand being outside of the cage. after that Place your hand inside the budgie's cage. Open the cage door slowly so that you do not startle your budgie. Do not try to touch them or anything else in the cage. The goal is to make them comfortable with your hand being in his physical space. It may take about a week for him to become comfortable with this Having a treat in your hand each time that you reach into the cage to change your budgie’s food and water will make them more comfortable with your hand. Encourage your budgie to step onto your finger.

Once the budgie is comfortable with having your index on the brink of him, slowly place your forefinger on his chest just above his feet and gently push up. see that you only apply light pressure when you place your finger on their chest. If you are applying too much pressure, they may get nervous and fly away from you. They may not understand this at first and may fly away. Just be patient with him and try again until he understands what you want them to do Take your budgie out of the cage. Now that they are comfortable stepping onto your hand, it is time to practice taking them out of their cage. Use slow movements and a soothing voice to coax them out of their cage. they may be very reluctant to leave their cage, because that is their comfort zone. You can try enticing them out with treats, but never rush them It is okay if they fly away, or flies right back into their cage, when you get him out of the cage. Walk to different rooms when they are on your finger. Once your budgie is comfortable being perched on your finger outside of their cage, take them to rooms which unfamiliar to them. The bathroom is a place where budgie owners will take their bird to. they may fly off your finger because it's a new environment.  But once again, don't chase them if they are doing this. Offering them treat in the different rooms may help them be more comfortable in this new room.

How to take care of your budgie

 A good and healthy diet is the best way to keep your budgie happy and alive.  make sure he gets the proper nutrients he needs every day by providing them with a nutritionally balanced diet. Improper feeding can cause nutritional imbalances and eventually illness and, in extreme cases, death. Try seeds. One good option to feed budgies is seeds. However, you shouldn't let your budgie fillup on seeds, as this can shorten a bird’s lifespan. This happens because most seed mixes do not give proper nutrients your bird needs and can cause cancer, obesity, and other health problems. Seeds should only comprise 1/6 of your budgie's diet. Use fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should also be included in your budgie's diet. Offer dark green and yellow vegetables more. Provide them with fruits and vegetables like apples, pumpkin, grapes, carrot, parsley, broccoli, mango, sweet potato, squash, and spinach. Feed them raw fruits and vegetables, because cooking takes away its valuable nutrients. Provide hard-boiled eggs and grated cheese. Although this may sound unusual for feeding budgies, it provides a great source of protein for your budgie. It also adds a little variety to his diet, which is always a good thing. Make sure you limit these special treats. Keep it fresh and varied.

Provide them with different options of food every day. Use a suitable container. Their food should be accessible to them whenever they need it. A budgie can get very sick if he goes without eating for 24 hours, so he needs to be able to access his food at all times. The container which holds food should not be deep so that it becomes difficult for them to eat, Also keep it near the water so that they can eat and drink at the same time. Your budgie needs a large cage space or room in your house to exercise. You should also pay attention to your birds daily feeding habits to keep him from overeating. This can lead to obesity. If your budgie becomes obese, they are likely to lose their streamlined appearance and can become lethargic and suffer health problems. Balance the food. Budgies have very delicate systems. Food changes should be done slowly over a long period of time. Get him to eat. They may show that they don't want to eat, this is because of the presentation of foods or what you are feeding him. If they won't eat the fresh foods, chop up the veggies and fruits and put them in an empty feed cup. Change the water daily. Provide clean and freshwater in a clean container. Clean the dish with vinegar and water only. Never use soap or chemicals to clean it. The vinegar will help prevent any bacteria from building up in the dish.  


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